Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Best reads of 2020

2020 has been the year of self-discovery for me. Now out of the education system I've been trying to find my place in this big wide world. Along this journey I have read some incredible books, which I had to share for my final blog post of the year. If you're wanting to become the best version of yourself in the new year these books will help you.

5) Spiritual Queen - Emma Mumford 

Towards the start of Summer I found myself getting more and more interested in spirituality. With no one in my social circle having a passion for the subject, I turned my attention to YouTube and found Emma Mumford. Emma's channel explores all things spirituality and Law of Attraction. When I found her book that explored her own journey and how we can all become spiritual queens, I knew I had to get it.  

Now, months later I can really see how Spiritual Queen helped me. It was the first book I read that allowed me to connect with someone similar. Someone who had experienced hardships but overcame them thanks to spirituality. It also gave me the motivation to set bigger goals as Emma broke down the manifestation method easily. I recommend this book for anyone starting their spiritual journey looking for some friendly guidance and support.  

4) The Magic- Rhonda Byrnes

Written by the woman who created The Secret, Rhonda Byrnes takes the reader through a 28-day challenge to get them closer to living the dream life. The focus is on gratitude, being grateful for what you have now, what you have already received and for what is yet to come.

The book really showed me the power of gratitude. How can we expect more if we aren't thankful for what we have already? Once you start doing the tasks set out in the book you eye's begin to brighten with the realisation of how much we are already blessed with. I continue to use methods from the book in my everyday routine and I feel the happiest I have ever been. I recommend this book for anyone wanting to change their pessimistic ways.

3) Twenty Two- Allison Trowbridge

Being a young woman in this modern world can be tough and challenging. A few months ago I was trying desperately to get back on the job market but felt lost and at times hopeless. I needed some inspiration and searched for books that every young woman needed to read. That's when I found Twenty Two. 

Twenty Two explores the many challenges young women face on their journey into early adulthood, such as falling in love, friendships and making a career. The author writes letters to a fictional university character about what she learnt about these challenges from her own experience. It's like the author is your big sister offering you some great advice that leaves you feeling lifted and more optimist. I really recommend this read for my younger audience. 

To read my full review of Twenty Two please click here.

2) Purpose - Jessica Huie

A topic I'm currently focusing on is purpose. What is my reason for being here and how can I make the most of my time here. To help with this I read Purpose, which had some fantastic messages.

Firstly the author writes so beautifully that you instantly get captivated. She explains her own journey and highlights the key messages she realised along the way. It makes you see the beauty of life and reminds you to not get so tied down with how you think things should be. A great read for anyone confused or a little lost right now.

1) The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

This book is something I'd seen many people talk about and finally got around to reading at the end of November. It truly lives up to the hype. You learn some hard truths but it's vital to hear them to grow and progress. The book shows you how thinking too much of the past and/or future can really limit you. As it says in the title, the present moment is where power lies.  It's a great read for anyone feeling that they are struggling to focus, perhaps always thinking about the 'what if's' or 'when's'.

So these are my top 5 books for 2020. I would love to know what you have enjoyed reading this year, please leave it a comment below. 

Until the new year,

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